Practitioners and local officials planning and implementing Safe Routes to School (SRTS) interventions need more accessible information on how those interventions could change travel at their school. Practitioners can benefit from tools and strategies to help them set goals for SRTS programs, monitor progress, and adapt SRTS interventions as needed. Reliable benchmarks on what the rates of walking and biking are in a state or metropolitan area and on how much each SRTS intervention changes walking and biking to school are needed. National averages on the proportion of children walking and biking to school are available, but rates at the state or metropolitan area are not easily accessible. Nor is there a comprehensive database of documented impacts of SRTS programs.
The infographics produced in this ALR Research Translation Project provide practitioners and local officials with information about the effectiveness of SRTS projects and how they can boost walking and biking. They also provide reference information about the rates of walking and biking across the United States.
Intended Audiences
Parents, community members, transportation planners, school officials, children, and SRTS practitioners.
How Audiences Can Use Them
We encourage schools and communities to use this information to compare local rates of walking and biking to national and regional averages and detailed regional information. This provides a way for communities to assess their own performance and set goals for the SRTS program. The information about the effectiveness of the SRTS program provides a way for communities to think about how to reach their goal through (continued) implementation of SRTS program elements.
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