Wednesday, March 1, 2017 Agenda

Wednesday, March 1, 2017 Agenda

7:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Conference Registration

7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Breakfast

8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Concurrent Presentations

SESSION 7: Health Impact of Physical Activity Across the Lifespan
a) Neighbourhood walkability and diabetes incidence among younger and older urban populations living in Southern Ontario, G.L. Booth, Centre for Urban Health Solutions, Canada
b) Electrically-assisted cycling in people with type 2 diabetes, B.P. Tibbitts, University of Bristol, UK
c)  Depressive symptoms, physical functional status, physical activity and the availability of recreational facilities: A rural and urban comparison for middle-aged and older Chinese adults, Y. Deng, University of Idaho
d) Standards for the built environment: Targeting physical activity throughout the life course, V. McLeod, International WELL Building Institute

SESSION 8: Places to Play: Access to Physical Activity Opportunities
a) Exploring outdoor recreation patterns along the urban-to-rural continuum: A participatory GIS approach, J.H. Tilt, Oregon State University
b) Use of fitness zones in Brazil: Is structure availability enough? C.O. Alberico, North Carolina State University
c) Factors associated with shared use of physical activity facilities at elementary schools across the United States, H. Calvert, Boise State University
d) Houston's SPARK schoolyard parks: Community-responsive and research-based design to encourage use and physical activity, K. Ownby, SPARK School Park Program

SESSION 9: Planning Healthy Communities
a) Meaningful metrics for planning healthy communities, A. Ricklin, American Planning Association
b) Making of a walkable community: Lessons from the Mueller community in Austin, Texas, X. Zhu, Texas A&M University
c) Rural active living assessments of the Appalachia region of North Carolina, A. Hege, Appalachian State University
d) Engaging your rural community in addressing walkability, E. Altazan, Louisiana State University

10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Concurrent Presentations

SESSION 10: Investing in Active Transportation
a) How we walk and roll in Minnesota: Building and evaluating a statewide movement, A.P. Zukoski, Minnesota Department of Health
b) Collaborative, evidenced-based process leads to prioritization of active living in state highway project, K. DeArruda Wharton, Sawtooth Mountain Clinic, Inc.
c) Supporting active travel by monetizing health with cost of illness and input-output economic models, N. Iroz-Elardo, Urban Design 4 Health, Inc.
d) An economic evaluation of active transport related to use of a Bus Rapid Transit service in Cape Town, South Africa. The SUN Study, C.A. Bartels, University of Cape Town, South Africa

SESSION 11: Pedestrian Environment and Safety
a) How important are neighborhood activity and walking trips for overall physical activity in young adolescents? Evidence from GPS, J. Carlson, Children's Mercy Hospital
b) Child pedestrian safety as an equity issue in urban neighborhoods: Exploring the spatial distribution of crashes in Montreal and Toronto, Canada, M.S. Cloutier, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Canada
c) Leading Pedestrian Interval (LPI) - What are you doing with your 5 seconds? A. Rao, City of Lakeland
d) A systematic quantitative review of the effect of seasons and weather on physical activity, E.T.J. Gatti, University of Utah

SESSION 12: Park Environments and Physical Activity
a) Promoting physical activity in low-income neighborhoods, D. Cohen, RAND Corp
b) Redesigned outdoor fitness trail: Impacts on physical activity in a low-income neighborhood park, C.L. Schultz, NC State University
c) A graphic approach to recording and reporting observed park participants, K. Hurst, Texas A&M University
d) Long-term impacts of playground renovations on use and differences by park characteristics, S. Slater, University of Illinois at Chicago

12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Networking Lunch

1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Panel Presentation

Research on Active Living Across the Lifespan

Research targeting a lifespan approach is challenging because people change so much from infancy to older adulthood that methods and interpretations must necessarily change as well. This panel includes respected researchers from three countries who are very familiar with these and related challenges of integrating equity perspectives in this research and communicating the lessons to a broad range of stakeholders. Dr. Bauman from Australia will draw lessons from his research on middle-age-to-older adults and his international collaborations. Dr. Keith from the United States will describe her experiences in ensuring disadvantaged populations were addressed in the lifespan, multi-sector strategies of the US National Physical Activity Plan. Dr. Bann from the UK will present findings on active living across the lifespan from a large, long-term birth cohort study. This panel is certain to generate questions and discussion, and there will be plenty of time for both.

Panel Chair:
Jenny Mindell, UCL, UK

Panel Speakers:
Professor Adrian Bauman, The University of Sydney, Australia
NiCole R. Keith, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

David Bann, UCL, UK

3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Town Hall Discussion, Endurance Prizes and Activity Break

The meeting will conclude with an opportunity to reflect on your time at the conference and think about how the experience will impact your efforts to create more activity-friendly communities. Will your work be transformed in some small or large way? What did you learn that you will use? What new collaborations were stimulated? What research needs did you identify? Sharing your story may inspire others. Must be present to win an endurance prize.


For detailed information, visit the official ALR2017 conference website: