Sunday, February 26, 2017 Agenda

Sunday, February 26, 2017 Agenda

10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Conference Registration

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Conference Kick-Off Physical Activity

Activities include beach volleyball, yoga, running group, and walking group.

1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Workshops Sessions

Workshops will be presented in 3-hour and 1.5-hour formats. Conference participants may attend one 3.5-hour workshop or two 1.5-hour workshops.

3.5-HOUR Workshop Sessions (1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

1) Systematic Observation of Physical Activity using iPad Apps for Research and Practice: iSOPARC and iSOFIT
L.J. Suau, T. Carlton, T.L. McKenzie, M.A. Kanters, J.N. Bocarro

1.5-HOUR Workshop Session 1 (1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.)

1) 17 years is too long: Strategies for closing the research to practice gap for physical activity in rural schools
E.S. Belansky, N. Cutforth, B.C. Ingman

2) Processing GPS data for active travel research: Using a new toolkit to add transportation attributes
J. Broach, J. Dill

3) Analyzing direct observation measurements of physical activity in built environments
B. Han

4) Applying citizen science techniques to translate physical activity resource measurement from research to practice
R.E. Lee, S.K. Mama, E.G. Soltero, K.M. Heinrich, L. Levesque

5) Inclusive Community Health Implementation Package (ICHIP) assessment and planning workshop
Y. Eisenberg, K. Vanderbom

6) Stepping up state efforts to implement physical activity in communities
K. Craig, E. Lawson, K. Hoppe, C. Townley, M. Younger

1.5-HOUR Workshop Session 2 (3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

1) Community severance: The effects of busy roads on local communities and residents
J.S. Mindell, P.R. Anciaes, J. Stockton, A. Dhanani

2) Telling the story of active travel across the life span using body-worn accelerometer data
M.H. Granat, D.J. Maxwell, K. Lyden

3) The art of implementation: How partnership and collaboration is advancing physical activity in out-of-school time
D.W. Hatcher, S. Sliwa

4) Turning community members into advocates: How to tailor, lead, and share walk audits for diverse communities
P. Dayleg, N. Abesamis-Mendoza

5) Objective tools for planning- equity, healthy eating and active living
M. Eichinger, P. Miller

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Poster Session and Welcome Reception

The poster session will give presenters and attendees the opportunity to network and discuss the most recent active living research and practice/policy work across a broad range of topics and settings.


For detailed information, visit the official ALR2017 conference website: