We are pleased to announce an exciting new alliance between Active Living Research and GP RED to co-host and coordinate...
Addressing Disparities in Access to Parks and Recreational Programs
The purpose of this project was to supplement another ALR grant that assessed the disparities in access to parks and recreational resources in Southern California. This Research Translation project focused on increased dissemination of the grant results by identifying strategic translation and dissemination tactics that target state and local organizations, both public and nonprofit, that play key roles in managing and financing park facilities and recreational programs. Deliverables included webinars, policy briefs, and the augmentation of a model website to promote the translation of research to policy.
Augmentation to the OPT for Health website is complete. Enhancements to the existing website include options for visualizing amenity distribution and trip planning. The enhanced tool now includes the distribution of public parks and recreation programs in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. High resolution vegetation cover (presented as degree of green) and traffic-related air pollution surfaces are available for visualization on the site. Produce markets, small groceries, supermarkets, and schools and education are included for locating facilities of interest and for origin and destination planning. A trip planning tool was added to the website to encourage active modes of travel. A user can select a travel mode not only by car, but also by cycling, walking or taking a public transit. He/she can also choose to avoid elevation gain, avoid high pollution areas, experience greener routes, or go through less accident prone routes in the trip.
July 2011: 4 policy briefs focusing on disparities in park access and funding are available below.
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