Our Services

Our Services

There are many ways to achieve active living communities. Active Living Research works with organizations to find your starting point and pathway to a better community. To do this, we make sure you have the right vision, partners, and strategy in place to ensure success.

Below are only a few examples of how we can help you apply the lessons of research to improving communities. Contact us with inquires on how we can we partner with you.

City or County Governments

Right Vision

  • Set goals to create a more active city that will maximize health, economic and environmental sustainability, and equity.

Right Partners

  • Nurture fruitful collaborations across planning, transportation, education and parks departments, along with private sector stakeholders, to guide decision making.

Right Plan

  • Assess streetscapes, parks, schools, food stores and restaurants, and equity of access using validated audits and surveys, to guide planning public health and transportation assessments, regional sustainability plans, and health and community impact assessments.
  • Consult on developing an active living community plan that puts all the pieces together.

Healthcare and Health Systems

Right Vision

  • Develop a broad vision of community benefits that includes assessing and changing the environments that drive health.

Right Partners

  • Find the health system's role in establishing or strengthening multi-sector coalitions needed to achieve active living communities.

Right Plan

  • Evaluate community benefit and corporate wellness plans.
  • Consult on improving community benefit activities and ensuring equity of access to active living environments.

Real Estate Developers

Right Vision

  • Create mixed use communities that support active transportation and recreation for all residents.
  • Maximize the health, economic, and environmental benefits of active communities.

Right Partners

  • Recommend leading experts and designers for all components of active living communities, including transportation systems, parks, and schools.

Right Plan

  • Write health rationales to support approval of plans for active living communities.
  • Consult on developing an active living community plan that puts all the pieces together.

Community Organizations

Right Vision

  • Engage community members in creating healthier environments.

Right Partners

  • Develop effective collaborations with public and private sector stakeholders who can assist local communities.

Right Plan

  • Build capacity to assess the activity-supportive and activity-hindering aspects of local environments; then use the results to plan improvements.
  • Consult on developing an active living community plan that puts all the pieces together.


Contact us with inquires on how we can we partner with you.