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A Longitudinal Study: The Impact of a Signalized Crosswalk on Crossing Behaviors in a Low-Income Minority Neighborhood
Presentation at the 2015 Active Living Research Annual Conference.
There is a paucity of research exploring the behaviors of low-income community residents in context of their neighborhoods (Gordon-Larsen et al., 2006; Zhu & Lee, 2008). These underserved communities often are comprised of an outdated built environment with high-speed, high-volume streets resulting in limited access to parks and active transportation. Studies show that key neighborhood features, including high-speed traffic and general walkability, directly influence physical activity (Kaczynski et al., 2014; Handy et al., 2008). We have previously shown that the completion of a signalized crosswalk and median linking low-income housing with a public park showed positive effects on active living behaviors (Schultz et al., 2014). Additional data collection in 2014 provided an opportunity to examine the longevity of these behavioral changes associated with the crosswalk installation.
This study aims to explore if previously observed built environmental influences on street crossing behaviors and traffic speed reductions have been sustained in a low-income minority neighborhood with significant barriers to physical activity opportunities.
Data collection occurred at one Intervention site (Providence Road) and one Control site (College Avenue) in Columbia, MO. The Control site was selected by examining relevant characteristics of the neighborhood (e.g., size, income level), and the corresponding street (e.g., number of lanes, typical traffic volumes/speeds, pedestrian crossing facilities). Street crossing behaviors were collected using direct observation and assessed the mode of transportation, designation of the crossing (e.g., Designation Zone: Designated Crossing [at intersections/crosswalks] or Non-Designated Crossing [e.g., other crossing point]), as well as race/ethnicity, gender, and age within 5-6 predetermined zones at both sites. Magnetic traffic detectors were also embedded in both the Intervention and Control streets during the data collection to capture traffic volume and speed. Data collection ran concurrently, at both sites, for a total of 21 observational shifts over the same two-week period in June 2012 (pre-intervention), June 2013 (post-intervention) and June 2014 (follow up). Crossing behaviors were recorded during three hour-long shifts (7:30am, 12:30pm, and 3:30pm), while traffic data were collected continuously for 150 hours during the first week. Traffic sensors were unavailable at the Control Site in 2014. Descriptive statistics were calculated for all variables. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) models assessed changes in crossing behaviors at each site from 2012 to 2014, controlling for temperature. Changes in traffic speed (above the speed limit/below the speed limit) and volume at each site from 2012 to 2014 were analyzed using Pearson’s Chi Square.
Total pedestrian crossings at the Intervention site did not significantly change from 2012(n=1,408) to 2013(n=1,352) or 2014(n=1,380; p=0.561), but there was a significant year*designation zone interaction(p=0.018). Pairwise comparisons of the Designated Crossings indicated an overall increase between Years 2012(M=1.050) and 2014(M=1.248; p=0.012) and Years 2012(M=1.050) and 2013(M=1.233; p=0.033), but not between Years 2013(M=1.233) and 2014(M=1.248; p=0.995). Pairwise comparisons of the Non-Designated Crossings indicated no change overall between Years 2012 and 2014(p=0.533), Years 2012 and 2013(p=0.917), or Years 2013 and 2014(p=0.894). There was also a significant year*designation zone*race interaction (p<0.001).
This study suggests that street crossing infrastructure improvements can help support lasting changes in pedestrian behavior. These data may help inform decisions regarding future street-crossing interventions and could be used to guide policies promoting physical activity in similar communities where high-speed arterials are barriers to parks and active living.
By demonstrating increased pedestrian safety and traffic calming longitudinally, this study adds support to the feasibility of advocacy efforts to promote transportation practices that favor safe pedestrian accessibility over vehicular traffic. These successful outcomes could be used to support advocacy efforts seeking to modify the built environment to increase physical activity in underserved neighborhoods.
- Gordon-Larsen, P., Nelson, M. C., Page, P., & Popkin, B. M. (2006). Inequality in the built environment underlies key health disparities in physical activity and obesity. Pediatrics, 117(2), 417-424. doi: 10.1542/peds.2005-0058.
- Handy, S. L., Cao, X., & Mokhtarian, P. L. (2008). The causal influence of neighborhood design on physical activity within the neighborhood: evidence from Northern California. American journal of health promotion, 22(5), 350-358.
- Kaczynski, A., Mohammad, J. K., Wilhelm Stanis, S. A., Bergstrom, R., & Sugiyama, T. (2014). Association of street connectivity and road traffic speed with park usage and park-based physical activity American journal of health promotion, 28(3), 197-203. doi: 10.4278/ajhp.120711-QUAN-339.
- Schultz, C., Wilhelm Stanis, S.A., Sayers, S., & Thomas, I. (March, 2014). Oral presentation for the 2014 Active Living Research Annual Conference. San Diego, CA.
- Zhu, X., & Lee, C. (2008). Walkability and safety around elementary schools economic and ethnic disparities. Am J Prev Med, 34(4), 282-290. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2008.01.024.
Support / Funding Source
University of Missouri Research Board Grant
- DOWNLOAD "2015_StreetScaleDesign_Schultz.pdf" PDF (1.22 MB) Presentations
The "Active Living Conference" aims to break down research and practice silos and...