We are pleased to announce an exciting new alliance between Active Living Research and GP RED to co-host and coordinate...
Mississippi In-School Physical Activity Policy Translation
This research translation project focuses on the dissemination of effective in-school physical activity (ISPA) policy strategies that support the provision of 150-minutes of ISPA per week for Mississippi elementary school-aged children, particularly among children of low-income communities of color with high rates of childhood obesity and who are at greatest risk for premature obesity-related disease. The primary objective is to bridge communication gaps between state-level personnel and district- and school-level personnel regarding barriers to implementing ISPA policy in compliance with the Mississippi Healthy Students Act. Investigators will reach schools located in the MS Delta that struggle to overcome barriers to providing students with sufficient opportunity for ISPA, and intend to provide a forum for school personnel, state health agencies, independent health organizations and state legislators to communicate research findings and inform decision-making that translates to practice.
Products and Dissemination Activities
- A policy brief will be created to reflect the outcomes of research and focus group meetings of school administers. The purpose of the policy brief is to disseminate research findings and inform decision-making in MS.
- A Policy Implementation Guide will be created for use at the district- and school-levels. The purpose of the guide is to facilitate the process of developing ISPA policy that meets the needs of administrators, educators and students by providing an equitable school environment that fosters the opportunity for every student to be healthy and successful.
- A meeting will be conducted to disseminate findings and introduce the policy brief to MS legislature, including the Education Sub-Committee.
January 2014: Mississippi In-School Physical Activity Policy research brief
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