We are pleased to announce an exciting new alliance between Active Living Research and GP RED to co-host and coordinate...
Out-of-School Time Physical Activity Standards: Implementation Trends
This commissioned analysis aims to inform policy-makers and providers on approaches to increasing physical activity for children and youth participating in out-of-school time (OST) programs. The intended audience for reporting and dissemination includes OST program provider organizations, OST field policy-makers and funders, researchers, and school district administrators. This commissioned analysis will establish, with greater certainty than currently exists, what the OST field is currently doing to increase physical activity, how healthy eating/physical activity quality standards are contributing to that, and what is needed to increase that contribution. It will also open a dialog on the complicated issue of how to value “practice-based evidence” emanating from the field.
Specific Aims
Pilot a surveillance system to identify baseline physical activity practices and the impact of physical activity quality standards (PAQS) on the OST field in order to:
- track dissemination and adoption of PAQS; and
- gather feedback on barriers, needs, and best practices related to implementation of PAQS;
- Report on and disseminate baseline data collected through the pilot implementation of the surveillance system;
- Develop an implementation mechanism for the sustainability of the system; and
- Develop and disseminate briefings/case studies on a small number of promising but unpublished professional development models that could respond to needs identified in the surveillance data.
This project will produce a summary report and a case study document (8 case studies) which will be disseminated through national conferences affiliated with national youth serving organizations such as the YMCA and the Boys and Girls Clubs, and conferences such as the National Afterschool Association, Beyond School Hours, and Active Living Research.
January 7, 2014: Project summary report and findings: Out-of-School Time Physical Activity Standards: Implementation Trends
May 7, 2014: A profile of six promising professional development initiatives that are hosted by organizations promoting the healthy development of children and youth during the out-of-school time hours. These profiles can inform providers, funders, school administrators and policy-makers about promising approaches to increasing physical activity in out-of-school time programs. On the Move: Profiles of Promising Professional Development Initiatvies for Promoting Physical Activity During the Out-of-School Time Hours
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