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States Vary in Safe Routes to School Spending
The Challenge: Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) programs can help children be more physically active. While congress sets aside money for SRTS programs in every state, there is significant variation in the amount of available federal SRTS funding that states actually spend.
Make an impact: Funding for SRTS programs can be distributed and used more effectively.
What the findings are about: This brief describes how states spent SRTS funds between 2005 and 2009, as well as how effective states were at meeting Federal Highway Administration’s goals for SRTS programs.
- Many states are using the SRTS program to make important changes that support safe, physically active trips to school.
- However, the program is not likely to impact active commuting to school if the funds do not reach the local level.
- Areas with high rates of child poverty or little history with walking and bicycling projects spent less of the available funding.
- National and state leaders can help states track their SRTS spending and identify local areas that could benefit from SRTS programs.
- State program staff can actively solicit applications for funding from local areas each year and link local groups, which may not have the resources to apply for funds or plan projects, with regional partners who can help schools or communities with the application and planning processes.
- To make the best use of the funds available through the federal SRTS program, states should work to ensure that the money benefits the communities that need it most, such as those with high rates of poverty or obesity among children.
Read the full article: Program Practices and Demographic Factors Associated with Federal Funding for the Safe Routes to School Program in the United States
- DOWNLOAD "States Vary in Safe Routes to School Spending" PDF (0.03 MB) Article Summary
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