We are pleased to announce an exciting new alliance between Active Living Research and GP RED to co-host and coordinate...
Discovering Obstacles to Physical Education - Do PE!
The purpose of this study is to describe perceived facilitators and obstacles to the adoption of evidence-based physical education (PE) in a sample of elementary school principals and direct providers of PE (i.e., teachers). Investigators will also compare and contract perceived facilitators and obstacles to the adoption of evidence-based PE in elementary schools that have recently adopted evidence-based PE with schools that have not. Specifically, one hundred schools that have adopted the evidence-based PE program, Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids (SPARK), will be targeted as "adopters." Researchers will purposefully over-sample schools in regions of the country where rates of overweight and obesity are highest and include high-need schools with a significant proportion of students eligible for free and reduced school meal programs. In addition, one hundred comparison schools ("non-adopters") will be targeted after being matched with SPARK schools on the basis of location, enrollment, socio-economic status, and student race/ethnicity. Data will be obtained from the principal and the main teacher of PE at each school, resulting in a total of 400 respondents in the study. Investigators anticipate that this project will produce meaningful findings that may assist in the development of strategic advocacy planning. A two-page brochure, titled Are Students Receiving Quality PE?, was produced to summarize research findings and inform future development of advocacy-related products and services for PE. Making the Most of Physical Education (YouTube): Designed for school administrators, board members, teachers, parents, and others interested in quality physical education. Abbreviated research findings inform viewers about characteristics of quality physical education and barriers to its delivery and the relationship between physical education and academic achievement. A call to action is provided.
- DOWNLOAD "AreStudentsReceivingQualityPE.pdf" PDF (0.57 MB) Project Profile
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