Monday, March 12, 2012 Agenda

Monday, March 12, 2012 Agenda

7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Conference Registration

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Breakfast

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.  Active Living Research 101
James F. Sallis, Ph.D., Director, Active Living Research
Robert Cervero, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley

3-HOUR Conference Workshop Sessions (9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)

1) Taming the Data Blizzard: A "How To" for Scoring Built Environment Audit Tools for Data Analysis
Mariela A. Alfonzo, Ph.D., M.U.R.P., Polytechnic Institute of New York University and Urban Imprint
Rachel A. Millstein, M.H.S., SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology

2) Community Assessments:  Three Examples of Assessments Used to Address Community Health and Equity
Katherine Hohman, MPH, YMCA of the USA
Xavier Morales, PhD, Prevention Institute
Matthew Rufo, MCP, Tulane University, Prevention Research Center
Kathryn Parker-Karst, MPH, Tulane University, Prevention Research Center

3) Using Technology to Better Assess Active Commuting and Sedentary Behavior
Simon Marshall, Ph.D., University of California, San Diego
Jasper Schipperijn, Ph.D., University of Southern Denmark
Charlie Foster, Ph.D., University of Oxford, England
Jacqueline Kerr, Ph.D., University of California, San Diego

4) Accelerometry Concepts and Techniques: Spotlight on ActiGraph and Perspective on the Future

Genevieve K. Murray, B.A., ActiGraph
Daniel W. Judge, B.S., ActiGraph
James J. McClain, Ph.D., M.P.H., National Cancer Institute

Accelerometry is a widely used and extensively validated method of collecting objective physical activity information in the free-living environment. This workshop introduced participants to accelerometry measurement technology and methods and provided detailed instruction on how to use ActiGraph activity monitors and software to collect, process and analyze physical activity data. The first part of this workshop covered four major areas: 1) mechanical technology, origin and evolution to present; 2) device handling, including how to initialize monitors and collect and download data; 3) in-depth, interactive data processing and analysis instruction using the ActiLife software; and 4) future trends and advances in accelerometry hardware and software technology and applications. 

In the second part of the workshop, participants were introduced to additional devices and alternative strategies that can be used for physical activity data collection.  Advances in personal consumer technology (e.g., wireless monitoring devices and smartphones) have generated a nationally distributed network of sensors that could be leveraged to increase research capacity for behavioral monitoring and interventions. This increase in sensor technology for behavioral health monitoring and assessment provides an opportunity to explore complementary approaches to enhance our national, state, and local surveillance.  However, lack of equivalency between device outputs across manufactures remains a challenge and methodological approaches to improve monitor equivalency across device manufacturers was discussed.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will gain an understanding of basic accelerometry technology, applications and limitations.
  • Participants will learn how to initialize an ActiGraph device, collect data, and download data files for analysis.
  • Participants will learn how to perform basic data processing and analysis using ActiLife software.
  • Participants will be able to explain three additional technologies for objectively measuring physical activity.
  • Participants will gain an understanding of challenges resulting from lack of data equivalency between competing technologies devices.


1.25-HOUR Conference Workshop Session 1 (9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.)

1) Systematic Observation of Physical Activity and Its Contexts
Thomas L. McKenzie, Ph.D., San Diego State University
Monica A.F. Lounsbery, Ph.D., University of Nevada, Las Vegas

2) How to Use the Law to Promote Community Recreational Use of School Property After-Hours
John O. Spengler, Ph.D., J.D., University of Florida
Carter Headrick, B.A., American Heart Association
Natasha Frost, J.D., Public Health Law Center

3) Action Plans for Play: Best Practices from Playful City USA Communities
Erika Lewis-Huntley, M.P.A., City of Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Helen Hernandez, B.A., City of Baldwin Park, CA
Tia Hodges, B.A., KaBOOM!

4) Thinking Outside the Box: How the African American Collaborative Obesity Research Network (AACORN) Paradigm Can Influence Community-Based Physical Activity Interventions in Diverse Communities
Vikki C. Lassiter, M.S., African American Collaborative Obesity Research Network, University of Pennsylvania
NiCole R. Keith, Ph.D., Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis
Gary G. Bennett, Ph.D., Duke University
Caree Jackson, Ph.D., R.D., L.D., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Melicia Whitt-Glover, Ph.D., Gramercy Research Group

1.25-HOUR Conference Workshop Session 2 (10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)

1) Instant Recess®: An Easy and Fun Way to Build Activity Into Your Day
Toni Yancey, M.D., M.P.H., UCLA School of Public Health
Melicia Whitt-Glover, Ph.D., Gramercy Research Group
Jammie M. Hopkins, M.S., University of California, Los Angeles
Chikarlo Leak, M.P.H., University of California, Los Angeles

2) Youth Physical Activity Data Collection in Low Resource Community Settings using Accelerometers
Sara Morris, M.A.T., M.P.H., R.D., North Carolina Public Health Foundation
Justin B. Moore, Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Mary Bea Kolbe, M.P.H., R.D., L.D.N., North Carolina Division of Public Health

3) Assessing and Creating Policies to Support Physical Activity during Afterschool Time using the OSNAP Model
Angie Cradock, Sc.D., Harvard School of Public Health
Catherine Giles, M.P.H., Harvard School of Public Health

4) Integrating Public Health and Regional Planning to Increase Physical Activity, Improve Access to Healthy Foods, and Address Health Inequities in the San Diego Region [no presentation available]
Tracy Delaney, Ph.D., R.D., County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency
Stephan Vance, San Diego Association of Governments

12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Lunch on your own

2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Conference Welcome and Opening Address
Melicia Whitt-Glover, Ph.D., Program Committee Chair, Gramercy Research Group
James F. Sallis, Ph.D., Director, Active Living Research

2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Plenary Presentations
1) Spatial Disparities in the Distribution of Parks and Green Spaces in the United States, Ming Wen, Ph.D., University of Utah
2) Predictors of Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity in African American Young Adolescents, Monica Baskin, Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham

3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Youth Plenary Presentation
Leslie Linton, J.D., M.P.H., Health Policy Consulting Group
Miriam Adam, Youth Advocate, eYEAH!
Brendon Fenton, International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Tabu Okello, Youth Advocate, IRC

4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Break and Group Physical Activity

4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Concurrent Presentation Sessions

SESSION 1 - Built Environment & Physical Activity
a) Can Built and Environmental Factors Encourage Walking Among Individuals with Negative Walking Attitudes?, Kenneth Joh, Ph.D., Texas A&M University
b) Neighborhood Design and Health: Characteristics of the Built Environment and Health Related Outcomes for Residents of Detroit Neighborhoods, Jean Wineman, D.Arch., University of Michigan
c) The Association of Walkability with Physical Activity at Baseline and 3-Year Follow Up, Ann Yew, B.P.E., M.A., Simon Fraser University

SESSION 2 - Understanding & Reducing Disparities
a) Neighborhood Solutions to Addressing Health Inequities, Melanie Ferris, M.P.H. and Paul Mattessich, Ph.D., Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
b) Searching for Evidence of Winning Conditions in Support of Grassroots Projects Aimed at Sustainable Active Transportation in a Low Income Neighborhood, Genevieve Lamy, M.Sc., Department of Public Health, Agency of Health and Social Services of Montreal
c) The Relationship between Neighbourhood Socioeconomic Characteristics and Walking for Exercise among Obese and Non-Obese Parents, Roman Pabayo, Ph.D., Harvard School of Public Health

SESSION 3 - Intervention Planning & Evaluation
a) Developing a Method for Identifying Programs, Environment Changes, and Policies for Replication and Dissemination, Cheryl Kelly, Ph.D., University of Colorado, Colarado Springs
b) Ready to Ride: Impact of Bicycle Infrastructure Improvements in New Orleans, LA, Kathryn Parker, M.P.H., Tulane University
c) The Use of FORECAST to Develop an Ecological Intervention for Walking in Underserved Communities in the PATH Trial, Dawn Wilson, Ph.D., University of South Carolina

5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Welcome Reception and Poster Session

7:00 p.m. Dinner on your own