7:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Active Living Research Grantee Meeting
ALR Grantees Only
2:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Conference Registration
2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Conference Welcome and Opening Address
Mindy Fullilove, M.D., Program Committee Chair, New York State Psychiatric Institute at Columbia University
James F. Sallis, Ph.D., Director, Active Living Research
2:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. San Diego Monarch School Youth Presentation
Marcus and D'Angelo
2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Break
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Conference (Concurrent) Workshops - Sessions 1
1) How Can We Make Economics (or Economists) Useful for Active Living Research
Cost Effectiveness Analysis [pdf], Cecilia Conrad, Ph.D., Pomona College
Integrating Economic and Public Health Perspectives [pdf], Roland Sturm, Ph.D., RAND Corporation
In this workshop for non-economists, we discuss economic concepts and approaches. The goal is to create some common ground to enable actual interdisciplinary research. Both economic and public health/medical perspectives play an important role in the policy process, but often approach policy questions in an incompatible way. Economics and public health perspectives can complement each other, although harnessing any synergy requires bridging some deep conceptual gulfs. We describe the economic framework and rationale behind it and why understanding it is often useful in the policy process - and sometimes even essential. Probably the most challenging and exciting area is the emerging research on the interaction between environmental incentives and physical activity. Econometrics, i.e., the statistical tools developed in economics, emphasizes statistical approaches that are less often used in public health and we briefly discuss some of the differences in methods and terminology.
Some of the most useful economic tools are not automatically part of mainstream economics. In the second half of the workshop, we give a more hands-on review of cost-effectiveness analysis. We illustrate how to conduct cost effectiveness analysis that will provide valuable information to guide policy decision making. Topics covered include the distinction between budgetary costs and opportunity costs, the measurement of cost over time, and sensitivity analysis. We discuss how to augment an ongoing intervention trial with a cost-effectiveness analysis.
2) Communicating with Elected Officials [pdf]
Elizabeth Wenk, Senior Associate for Public Policy, Burness Communications
James Corless, Campaign Director, Transportation for America
Kathryn Hazelett, Policy Lead, RWJF Center to Prevent Childhood Obesity and former Policy Director to Arkansas Governor Beebe
How do you translate your research into policy and communicate it effectively to policy-makers at all levels of government? What tools do you need to have in your tool box to get your message across? How do you make your work relevant to the policy debates taking place at City Hall and in the halls of Congress? Using the upcoming debates at the federal level focused on transportation, climate change and physical activity as models, this session will introduce you to the importance of why policy-makers need research to make their best policy decision. It will provide you with the tools and techniques you need to translate your work into language and communications products that are accessible - and therefore actionable - by government policymakers. It will offer tips on how to work with policymakers to make change happen. In this session, participants will get a chance to summarize their research and get feedback from elected officials and staff. Prepare your pitch!
3) Active Living Research 101
James F. Sallis, Ph.D., Director, Active Living Research
An Overview of Leisure Studies and Recreation and Park Research [pdf], Myron F. Floyd, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Direct Observation of Physical Activity and Its Contexts [pdf], Thomas McKenzie, Ph.D., San Diego State University
Active Living Research 101 is for those who are new to the active living field. Topics will include an overview of the ALR program, guiding concepts and models, basics of transdisciplinary research, examples of validated direct observation tools such as SOPARC (System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities) and SOPLAY (System for Observing Play and Recreation in Play and Leisure Activity in Youth), examples of funded studies, key results, and future research directions. Presenters represent multiple disciplines, and there will be time for question and answer.
4) Using Accelerometers in Active Living Research: Practical Issues in Collecting and Managing Data (Beginner Level) [pdf]
Kelli Cain, M.A., San Diego State University
Carrie Geremia, San Diego State University
In this workshop, presenters will lead a discussion on using accelerometers and managing the data collected. Topics will include: 1) equipment and tracking; 2) mailing protocols; 3) boosting compliance and getting devices back; 4) data screening (why to do this and what to look for); 5) MeterPlus demonstration to manage and score data; and 6) a summary of the literature on cutpoints for youth. The workshop will include interactive stations where participants will be able to test equipment, view instruction materials and logs and test software. Participants are encouraged to bring their own ActiGraph files to test the MeterPlus program.
4:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Break
4:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Conference (Concurrent) Workshops - Sessions 2
1) LEED-ND / STAR Community Index [pdf]
Matt Raimi, A.I.C.P., Principal, Raimi + Associates
This session will introduce attendees to the newly adopted LEED-Neighborhood Development, a first ever leadership standard for sustainable human settlements that is highly consistent with creating activity-friendly neighborhoods. The complementary Community Star Index also will be incorporated in refining the standards. This three part workshop will cover the following areas: 1) An overview of the LEED-ND standards and the history and roots of its development, with brief introduction to Community Star index; 2) A detailed review of those sections of the LEED-ND standard that address active living topics; and 3) Topics for future active living research that arose from writing LEED-ND and how researchers can provide input to LEED-ND.
2) Moving Beyond Continuous Outcomes: Multilevel Modeling of Binary, Count, and Ordinal Outcomes [pdf]
Scott Roesch, Ph.D., San Diego State University
This workshop will provide an introduction to multilevel models that are usually applied to continuous data (e.g., minutes of MVPA). We will then extend the models to outcomes that are binary (e.g., engagement in physical activity [yes/no]), count (e.g., number of active children on playgrounds), and ordinal (e.g., stages of change for physical activity). In addition, the zero-inflated Poisson model will be introduced to highlight the simultaneous estimation of an outcome variable that has both continuous and binary characteristics. The focus of this workshop will be on a general conceptual introduction of each statistical model followed by a worked research example using statistical software (Mplus, HLM).
3) Engaging Communites in Physical Activity: A Continuum of Participatory Methods [pdf]
Elva Arredondo, Ph.D., San Diego State University
Guadalupe X. "Suchi" Ayala, Ph.D., M.P.H., San Diego State University
Community-based participatory research is a set of principles and practices for involving community stakeholders as equal partners in all aspects of a research program. Application of these principles and practices is therefore central to meaningfully engage community stakeholders in active living research. Workshop participants will explore the opportunities and challenges for involving community members in 1) study design; 2) intervention development and implementation; 3) data collection; 4) data analysis and interpretation; 5) dissemination; and 6) identifying strategies for sustaining research efforts. Workshop leaders will draw examples of their application of CPBR principals and practices to their work in Latino communities. In addition workshop participants will engage in an interactive assignment designed to provide specific guidance to investigators seeking to strengthen community engagement in any stages of their research.
4) Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Active Living Research
Presentation - Part 1 [pdf]
Presentation - Part 2 [pdf]
Presentation - Part 3 [pdf]
Anne Vernez Moudon, Dr. es Sc., University of Washington
Chanam Lee, Ph.D., Texas A&M University
GIS applications continue to evolve for active living research. This workshop will cover conceptual issues and methods in four areas: 1) data acquisition development, focusing on fine-grained land use data, parks and recreational facilities, food sources, and physical activity and fitness facilities; 2) respondent sampling approaches that take into account the characteristics of the environment in which people live or work; 3) external data import and analysis strategies, such as GPS and accelerometer data; and 4) geospatial analyses to measure and model the environment or behaviors. The presentation will focus on how to use GIS to "think spatially." Examples from on-going projects will be used to facilitate discussions, and sample protocols will be shared.
6:15 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Networking Break
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Welcome Reception and ALR Dissertation and New Grantee Poster Session
8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Dinner on your own
9:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Music and Dance Event
A pick-up band playing Scottish/Contra-dancing/Folk musical performance.